Quinoa with Raisins and Pine Nuts

If I could have it my way, I would eat nothing but rice, pasta, and noodles for every meal, every day. But let’s face it, my body has changed since I entered my 30s and it does not accept carbs the way it used to. So my philosophy nowadays is to eat healthy, carb-less dinners (packed with flavor, of course) during the week so that I can eat all the carbs my heart desires on the weekends! :)

Nonetheless, there are weeknights where I get a little weak and give in to carbs. (Don’t judge, I’m only human.) For those “exceptions,” I try to at least eat healthy carbs.  That’s why quinoa, pronounced “kee-nwa,” is my new best friend! While people often mistake quinoa for a whole grain, it is actually a seed; however, it can be prepared like most whole grains. Not only does quinoa taste delicious, it’s super healthy for you as well!  This seed is packed with protein and amino acids, which means you stay full longer! It’s also gluten and cholesterol free. Continue reading